Happy 2018! This opening quarter is looking to be bursting with fun! For those of you who don’t know, the Consumer Advisory Committee (CAC) is a small, dedicated group that is busy planning and hosting events for people who have developmental disabilities. This specific part of Inland Regional Center focuses on IRC Consumers who are 16 and older. If you want to join us, we openly welcome you and that can’t be overstated! We’d like you to come enjoy yourself and support whatever function you can. Just look for upcoming events that are posted regularly on our website calendar and social media, like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Supporting the CAC is a matter of coming to an event and having fun; it’s just that easy.
On that note, January is coming to a close and we’re having an event called CAC Voting Rights and Responsibility. It’s being held on Tuesday, January 30 at In-Roads Creative Programs in Rancho Cucamonga. Jonathan Eckrich, who manages IRC’s training program will talk to us about our right to vote and how we can register to vote in public elections. The CAC intends to instruct and educate those who attend on who is eligible to vote and why it’s important. Also that night, those who want to run for CAC officer positions will be representing themselves for election; voting on those positions will happen at next month’s meeting. Any CAC Consumer who comes will be welcomed and given a raffle ticket and a voting pin, and be encouraged to return in February with the voting pin to receive 2 additional raffle tickets. CAC consumers will be entered into a raffle to win a prize, but more importantly, this is an opportunity to learn all about voting!The CAC Election Day will be held in February and is tied closely with our January event. If you want to be an informed member of the CAC, it is important that you attend both days so that you know how you want to cast your vote. These two events determine how we function in the future for better social events and may give shape to the rest of the year. Please come both days! Also, you’ll show your voting pin you received January 30th to maximize your chances of winning in the raffle. The CAC Election Day is going to take place on Tuesday, February 27, here at Inland Regional Center. This is a day for CAC consumers to shape the future.
Next on the CAC schedule is the CAC Movie Night.
The CAC is organizing a Harry Potter-themed event for the showing of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. The movie showing is going to be held at In-Roads Creative Programs in Menifee on Tuesday, March 27. We cordially and enthusiastically invite any IRC Consumer for some intense fun! This event is a bit different from other CAC events since it is open to Consumers of all ages. We are providing popcorn for anyone who comes to see the movie. So please come for free entertainment, popcorn, and also receive a free giveaway.
In fact, every event this quarter free to attend. The first two are really important. Please come, use your power of influence and cast a vote in the CAC election. It’ll end up benefitting both you and us as an agency. The last event is just for your enjoyment. There will be many more CAC events, so stay current on our web calendar and social media. The CAC exists to engage, inform, and empower its Consumers, and the events are our way of connecting with them. Come to our events, cast your vote, lend us your strength, and in turn, you will be stronger!
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