Clients and Families
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Welcome IRC Clients and Families! This page was designed to help you learn about how Regional Centers operate, how IRC provides services, and the roles Service Coordinators play in your service plan. You will also find definitions for frequently used terms, information about IRC documents/forms, and what to do if you disagree with a decision made by the Regional Center. If you have any questions about the information presented here, please contact IRC’s Community Engagement team.
Looking for printable IRC Fact Sheets? Click or tap here!

A Client is a child or adult with developmental disabilities who receives Regional Center services.
Frequently Used Terms
- Lanterman Act and Regional Center
- Clients and Service Coordinators
- Individual Program Plan
- Services and Providers
Inland Regional Center, along with 20 other Regional Centers in the state of California, was established by the Lanterman Act, a law passed in 1969. The Lanterman Act ensures that people with developmental disabilities receive supports and services to live the most independent and productive lives possible. The Lanterman Act defines which diagnoses make someone eligible for Regional Center services, what types of supports/programs will be provided, how program plans are developed, and much more. Also, frequently used terms like Client, Consumer, CSC, and IPP, come directly from the Lanterman Act.
- DDS/Lanterman and Related Laws
- Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act (PDF)
- Lanterman as a Foundation (Presentation)
- Consumer's Guide (English | Spanish)
The Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act is codified in the California Welfare and Institutions Code. This compilation, prepared by the Legislative Counsel, includes the 2021 revisions to the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act and related laws (Divisions 4.1, 4.5, and 4.7 of the Welfare and Institutions Code and Title 14 of the Government Code). Please visit the California Legislative Information Website for the official and most current versions of the Lanterman Act and other California laws. This edition shows all sections as they are in effect on and after January 1, 2021. The Lanterman Act is printed every two years; DDS is currently out of printed copies of the 2017 Lanterman Act. A PDF of the Lanterman Act may be downloaded and printed for your personal use. If you have questions, please email [email protected]. – DDS Website, Lanterman and Related Laws.
IRC is committed to establishing collaborative relationships with Clients and families. Our primary focus is creating service plans that address the individual needs of each Client. Though, there may be occasions where the Regional Center and a Client/family disagree about eligibility or services. If you disagree with a Regional Center decision you can ask your Service Coordinator, and if appropriate their Program Manager, to meet with you and discuss the decision. This allows everyone involved to make sure that all essential information was considered. If things cannot be resolved during this meeting, Clients/families have the right to appeal the decision.
Below are links to the Appeals process and forms found on the Department of Developmental Services website. If you would like to speak to an IRC Representative about the Appeals process you can contact our Fair Hearings & Legal Affairs Department.
Note: Appeals deal specifically with disagreements regarding eligibility or the type/amount of services in a Client’s service plan. If you have a concern or complaint that is not related specifically to a service or eligibility you can contact our Community Engagement team or use the Consumer Complaint Process.
Provisional Eligibility
A child aged three or four may be eligible for provisional regional center services without the need for a developmental disability diagnosis, as outlined in W&I Code section 4512(a)(1). To qualify for provisional eligibility, the child must demonstrate significant functional limitations in at least two major life activities, as described in W&I Code section 4512(a)(2). It's important to note that a physical disability alone does not meet the eligibility criteria.
It's not a requirement for a three or four-year-old child to have received Early Start services to be provisionally eligible. Similar to individuals eligible under W&I Code section 4512(a)(1), a provisionally eligible child will have an Individual Program Plan (IPP). For more information on eligibility criteria, please take a look at the Lanterman Act Provisional Eligibility guidelines.
Provisional Eligibility For Regional Center Services (DDS) | Enclosure - Eligiblity Criteria
IRC Provisional Eligibility Fact Sheet
English | Spanish | Vietnamese | Arabic | Chinese | Tagalog
Provisional Eligibility Frequently Asked Questions
English | Spanish | Vietnamese | Arabic | Chinese | Tagalog
· Original FAQ Document (DDS)
Learn the signs -
Common Services
Person-centered planning is used when developing a Client’s Individual Program Plan (IPP). The IPP outlines the goals developed by the Client and their support team, as well as the services and supports they will receive to help those goals. Many of the services/supports listed in the IPP are funded by Inland Regional Center. However, services and supports may also be provided by other agencies such as the Social Security Administration, school districts, county agencies, etc.
All services funded by IRC must be linked to an IPP goal and the Client must meet the qualification criteria for that service, as established by the Lanterman Act.
Below you will find a list of the most common services provided by IRC. This list a reference and resource to IRC Clients and their families. Any service not addressed here may be discussed with an IRC Service Coordinator.
Common Services Listing:
English | Spanish | Vietnamese | Tagalog | Arabic | Chinese
Common Services Fact Sheets:
Day Program Options - English
Living Options - English | Spanish
Respite - English | Spanish
Transition - English | Spanish
Early Start Transition - Transition Guidebook 2023 (PDF)
- Search for IRC Service Providers in your area using the Service Provider Search Tool.
A conservatorship is when a judge appoints another person to act or make decisions for the person who needs help. The person the judge appoints is called the conservator. The person who needs the help is the conservatee who is 18 years or older. A judge can only appoint a conservator if other less restrictive options won't work.
A conservatorship must be the least restrictive type of assistance needed to help a person with a developmental disability lead a life of their choice. That requirement continues even after a conservator is appointed.
Because people need different levels and types of help there are different types of conservatorships:
- General conservatorship: A conservatorship where the conservator has all powers and responsibilities, except ones found unnecessary
- Limited conservatorship: A conservatorship where the conservator’s powers are strictly limited to up to 7 specific powers based on the needs of the conservatee
With either type of conservatorship, the conservator may handle just the care of the person or may also manage the person's finances.
- If they're responsible for a person's care and protection, it's called a conservatorship of the person.
- If they handle finances, it's called conservatorship of the estate.
For more information in San Bernardino County please visit:
For more information in Riverside County please visit:
Additional Reading:
Coordinated Family Support (CFS) Services Pilot Program
Read more about the CFS Pilot Program here:
Additional Resources:
- DDS Coordinated Family Support (CFS) Webpage
- Coordinated Family Support (CFS) Service Community Webinars: English | Spanish
Video: Coordinated Family Support (CFS) Services Pilot Program (ASL)
Current CFS Providers:
If you are a Coordinated Family Services provider and would like to learn more about becoming an IRC Vendor, please visit our Service Provider page.
Program Manager Search Tool
Our Community Engagement team is also available to help and can be reached at [email protected].
Requesting Records
Copies of Client/Applicant files shall be made only with the express written consent and authorization of an adult Client/Applicant, conservator, parent/legal guardian of a minor or as otherwise allowed pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) Section 4514. IRC may charge a nominal fee to reproduce records in accordance with WIC Section 4725 and Evidence Code Section 1158. Electronically stored records may be copied to a password protected CD and mailed via certified mail, sent via encrypted mail (file size permitting) or fax. There is no charge for an electronic transfer. There is no charge for records if you have filed an appeal and the appeal is pending.
To request records:
1. Individuals seeking their records or Parent/Guardian/Conservator, complete this form: Request to Obtain Records (English | Spanish)
2. If written consent is needed to obtain records, complete this form: Authorization to Release Confidential/Protected Health Information (English | Spanish)
3. Please submit your record request forms to:
Inland Regional Center
P.O. Box 19037
San Bernardino, CA 92423
Fax: (909) 890-3008
The Department of Developmental Services (DDS) has created a program to allow Regional Center Clients more control in developing their service plans and selecting service providers. The Self Determination Program (SDP) gives participants a budget to purchase services and supports from the providers of their choice. SDP participants have a larger role in their service planning and implementation while receiving assistance from a financial services management provider and an independent facilitator. For detailed information and program updates, visit the DDS Self-Determination home page.
Who is eligible for the Self-Determination Program?
Any eligible regional center client may participate in the Self-Determination program on a voluntary basis. The client must meet the following eligibility requirements:
- Has a developmental disability as defined in Welfare and Institutions Code 4512.
- Agrees to specific terms and conditions, which include but are not limited to participation in an orientation for the Self-Determination Program, working with a Financial Management Services entity, managing the Self-Determination Program services within an individual budget; and only purchasing services that are eligible for federal financial participation and not available from a generic agency.
- Does not live in a licensed long-term health care facility (i.e., a Skilled Nursing Facility or Intermediate Care Facility or State Developmental Center).
- If an individual living in one of these facilities expresses interest in the Self-Determination Program, through the person-centered planning process, he or she can request that the regional center begin making arrangements for their transition to the Self-Determination Program, provided that he or she is reasonably expected to transition to the community within 90 days.
For additional information, contact [email protected].
Office of the Self Determination Program (SDP) Ombudsperson:
Phone: (877) 658-9731
Email: [email protected]
SDP Network - Independent Facilitators
Additional Resources:
Click here to register online and start your SDP orientation
- NEW IRC SDP Support Group
- IRC SDP Coaching Flyer - English | Español
- Inland Regional Center Self-Determination Program Enrollment Information - English | Español
- Inland Regional Center Learning Center (Self-Determination Orientation) - English | Español
- SCDD Self-Determination Program Orientation Page - English | Español
- ASLA Self-Determination Independent Facilitator Training Project - Event Registration Link
- Self-Determination Advisory Committee Recruitment Flyer
- SCDD Statewide Self-Determination Orientation Flyer (PDF) - English | Español
- DDS Self Determination Program Flowchart
- Self-Determination Program Flyer (PDF) - English/Español
- Self-Determination Roadmap (PDF) - English | Español
- Financial Management Service (FMS) Contact List - Department of Developmental Services
Social Recreation
Socialization Training Program is intended to provide socialization and recreational opportunities to consumers served by Inland Regional Center with appropriate structured socialization and recreational activities based on the consumers' needs, interests and goals identified in the IPP. Socialization programs will provide in-the-moment coaching and facilitation to promote inclusion and skill development. Activities should enhance and develop meaningful interpersonal relationships and integration opportunities by accessing public recreation and leisure facilities. Socialization Training will not supplant services available from the local school district. For individuals who have reached their established social recreation goals, a maintenance service can be provided. The service is intended to reinforce the social skills previously achieved. A monthly stipend can be requested to assist the families in purchasing integrated social activities. The monthly stipend is based on the average monthly cost of local activities and is not intended to supplant the consumer’s natural supports but allows for all consumers to have the ability to have robust social opportunities. Exceptions made to all purchases of service must be identified by the Interdisciplinary Team and documented in the client’s Individual Program Plan. If there is any disagreement about services that cannot be resolved by the planning team, written notice of fair hearing rights will be provided. (WIC §§ 4646(i) and 4710.5(a))
According to California Welfare and Institutions Code – WIC § 4648.5, the regional center’s ability to acquire social recreation and camp services had been suspended as of July 1, 2009. However, following extensive advocacy efforts, it was formally reinstated in 2021.
POS Policy Update for Camp and Non-Medical Therapies:
English | Español | Vietnamese | Tagalog | Arabic | Chinese
Social Recreational Letters
English | Español | Vietnamese | Tagalog | Arabic | Chinese
Social Recreation Allowable/Un-Allowable
Infographic - English | Español
PDF - Allowable/Un-Allowable Social Recreation Activities
Tailored Day Services
Tailored Day Services (TDS) is an option for individuals who are eligible for IRC services but are interested in non-traditional day services and development of employment skills. TDS allows for flexibility in the duration and intensity of services, fewer days or hours, and flexibility in location of services to meet individual needs.
The purpose of TDS is to support individuals in the following areas: employment preparation, college/post-secondary education, volunteer opportunities and paid internships.
See Frequently Asked Questions about Tailored Day Services:
English | Spanish | Tagalog | Vietnamese | Arabic | Mandarin Chinese
This resource is available as a video in American Sign Language:
Tailored Day Services (TDS) Facts and FAQs - ASL
Diversity Outreach
At Inland Regional Center, we have a Diversity Outreach Coordinator who designs and implements projects for underserved populations. Those populations, as identified in our Purchase of Service (POS) Data, are the Spanish speaking/Hispanic community and Clients with Autism. Our Diversity Outreach Coordinator plays a significant role in our disparity data process: facilitating community input meetings, assisting in the design and distribution of marketing materials to underserved populations, and presenting data findings in both English and Spanish. Additionally, she fosters relationships with IRC Service Coordinators to help identify trends in service spending from the case management perspective. She works diligently alongside our Community Engagement Manager to create a greater awareness of services disparities and to increase cultural competency.
To connect with our Diversity Outreach Coordinator or learn more about our disparity programs contact our Community Engagement team at [email protected].
Employment First Policy
Inland Regional Center (IRC) philosophies include promoting independence, empowering our Clients, and ensuring they are included in the everyday routines of community life. Consistent with state law and agency core values, IRC has developed an Employment First Policy. IRC’s Employment First Policy states that integrated employment will be the first option for every working age adult and fully supports the principles outlined in Assembly Bill 1041.
Register to Vote!
Inland Regional Center encourages all members of the IRC Community, including our Clients, to participate in the democratic process and exercise their right to vote. Visit the Secretary of State’s website to register today!
Private Insurance Co-Payments
Clients/families who are receiving copayment, coinsurance, and/or deductible assistance for therapies authorized and provided by their private insurance must submit necessary documents in a timely manner for the assistance to be continued.
Necessary documents include:
- Income information to determine eligibility for assistance. This is due at the time of the initial request for assistance, and yearly thereafter. To be eligible for copayment, coinsurance, and/or deductible assistance, families must be at/below 400% of the Federal Poverty Level, or be granted an exemption based upon a demonstrated extraordinary event, catastrophic loss, or significant medical costs associated with the care of the consumer.
- A fully completed and signed “Copayment/coinsurance/deductible Assistance Request” form (ICRC 946). This is needed at the time of the initial request for assistance, any time a request is made for assistance with an additional therapy, and yearly after the IPP is completed.
- A new Summary of Benefits each plan year, or any time there is a change in insurance. Most, but not all, plan years start in January. Please refer to your specific Summary of Benefits to know when it should be submitted.
- A new insurance treatment authorization for each service when the previous one expires, unless pre-authorization is not required by the insurance.
- A copy of the consumer’s medical insurance card(s), including Medi-Cal, if applicable, at the time of the initial request, and any time there is a change in insurance, including obtaining a secondary insurance.
- An Explanation of Benefits (EOB) is required for each date of service for IRC to pay the vendor. If the vendor that your child is receiving services from does not provide the Explanation of Benefits to Inland Regional Center, it is the family’s responsibility to do so so that the vendor may be paid in a timely manner. The EOBs should be sent to the Service Coordinator on a monthly basis, once all the EOBs from the prior month are available.
If you have any questions about what is needed for your child’s case, please contact the assigned Service Coordinator.
Inland Regional Center is committed to preserving the privacy and confidentiality of the Clients we serve, in accordance with state and federal law. In some cases, IRC may not be able to provide information requested where confidentiality may be at risk. Please read more about Records Requests on our Accountability page.