Results Are In! IRC Vendor Survey

Community EngagementGeneral Announcements

Estimated Reading Time: 7 Minutes

The IRC Survey Results Feedback Form has been extended through April 4, 2019.



Originally posted on March 5, 2019.


IRC Community – Your Feedback is Needed!

Burns and Associates, Inc., a health-policy consulting firm, have finished a Rate Study about regional center services. This study was commissioned by the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) in compliance with state law.

The study is ready for review and input from IRC’s Community of vendors, parents, clients, staff and other stakeholders.

You can view Inland Regional Center survey data as well as the full report.

We strongly recommend that you review the data and submit any feedback to IRC using our Survey Results Feedback Form. You can also provide feedback directly to DDS: [email protected] | 916.654.2300.

It is crucial that we as a community provide feedback to be heard. This survey can affect how regional centers are operated and funded.

IRC will be collecting feedback until March 22, 2019. All input, comments, and suggestions will be reviewed by Inland Regional Center, the Department of Developmental Services, and Burns and Associates, Inc.



Originally posted on June 11, 2018.

This post is intended for IRC Service Providers.


In response to feedback from service providers, the due date to submit the rate study provider survey has been extended to August 3, 2018.   Service Providers should expect an email from Burns & associates regarding this extension.  If you have any questions, please contact Tamara Kidwell at [email protected] or (916) 651-6311.



IRC Vendor Community,

You should have received a survey from Burns and Associates, Inc.  They are the consulting firm working with the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) on collecting data to do the rate study.  This is not an Inland Regional Center survey, but we do recommend that you complete the survey.  Please see the excerpt from the DDS website, which can be used to assist you with any questions regarding the survey.  Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey.

Link to:  Burns & Associates, Inc. Vendor Survey



Rate Study


Pursuant to Welfare and Institutions Code Section 4519.8, the Department of Developmental Services (DDS) is required to submit a rate study addressing the sustainability, quality, and transparency of community-based services for individuals with developmental disabilities to the Legislature by March 1, 2019. To assist with this effort, DDS contracted with health-policy consulting firm Burns & Associates, Inc. to conduct the rate study with DDS oversight. An overview of the rate study including project principles and tasks, as well as information on Burns & Associates, Inc., is available here.


To inform the rate study, Burns & Associates, Inc. is conducting a provider survey to collect data regarding providers’ service delivery designs and costs. Because the survey will provide critical information to help inform the rate study, it is important that as many providers as possible respond to the survey, even if they are only able to provide some of the information requested. Service providers are asked to return the survey by July 6, 2018.

With the exception of family member providers, all providers of services with rates set through negotiation with the regional center, or by DDS, are encouraged to complete the survey.

The survey and instructions, including instructional webinars, and contact information for technical assistance is available here.


The survey is just one component of the overall rate study that must be submitted to the Legislature by March 1, 2019. The rate study will also incorporate other information, including but not limited to costs for comparable services provided outside the regional center system, to help in developing recommendations for proposed rate models. The outcome of these efforts, including findings and draft recommendations, will be presented to the Developmental Services Task Force for review and comment before the final rate study is submitted to the Legislature.


Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why is the Department doing a Study?

As required by the Welfare & Institutions Code Section 4519.8 the Department of Developmental Services is required to submit a rate study addressing the sustainability, quality, and transparency of community-based services. The Provider Survey is just one aspect of the overall rate study.

  1. Who should complete the Provider Survey?

All providers of services with rates set through negotiation with a regional center or by the Department of Developmental Services, with the exception of family provides, are encouraged to complete the survey.

  1. What do I need to complete the Provider Survey?

You will need Microsoft Excel (version 2010 or newer), your latest fiscal year information for administrative and program costs, staff wages and benefits and some service specific productivity information.

  1. Who is sending out the Provider Survey so I know it is not spam or junk mail?

The initial notification and reminder emails will come from the contractor conducting the rate study, Burns & Associates. The information will be sent from the following email address: [email protected].

If you did not receive an email with the survey and instructions they are also located on the Burns & Associates website:

  1. Will the information I report be made public?

No. Your information will not be made public. Only aggregated data will be part of the survey’s analysis and final report. There will be no vendor-specific information published. Data collected through this survey will be used solely for the purpose of evaluating reimbursement rates.

  1. If I cannot complete all the related sections of the Provider Survey should I still submit it?

Yes. Partially completed surveys will be accepted. Even if a submitted survey is incomplete, the information that your agency is able to provide will be considered as part of the analysis of survey results.

  1. How do I know if I completed the Provider Survey correctly?

The survey includes a worksheet tab titled “SubmissionChecklist“. This form checks for potentially incomplete portions of the survey and common errors. You are encouraged to check this form and make revisions as appropriate for any red “X” rather than green checkmarks. There also is a worksheet tab titled “TOC” which is the Table of Contents. This is color coded by service code to match the worksheet tabs and it will direct your focus regarding the worksheets to complete for each of the service codes.

  1. Is there someone to contact if I need help and/or technical assistance completing the survey?

Burns & Associates has provided a dedicated email address and phone number to answer questions and provide technical support.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 602-241-8515

There are Provider Survey Instructions and a series of pre-recorded webinars on the Burns & Associates website to provide a detailed walk-through of the survey pages.


You can also contact your local regional center. They may be able to put you in contact with other providers who are available to provide assistance.

If you have general questions about the Provider Survey, you are also welcome to contact the Department.

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 916-654-2300

  1. What should I do if I do not understand a survey question?

Along with the series of webinars, you can access the “Provider Survey Instructions”. Each service code of the Provider Survey has explanations within these instructions. Within the survey itself are “fly-over” messages that appear when you select a cell. These messages also provide additional instructions to help you understand what the questions are asking.

  1. What if there are factors I believe should be considered, but were not asked in the survey?

If there are factors that you believe should be considered, note those issues and any concerns, in the transmittal email when submitting the survey.

  1. How do I return my survey?

You will need to save your completed survey before submission. When saving it add your agency’s name to the beginning of the file name. For example, “ABC Agency DDS Rate Study Provider Survey.” Surveys are then emailed to Burns & Associates at: [email protected]



Technical Support:

Burns & Associates, Inc.
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (602) 241-8515

General Information and Assistance:

Department of Developmental Services
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: (916) 654-2300

Service providers may also contact their local regional center for information and assistance.


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Community Engagement

Inland Regional Center's Community Engagement Unit can be reached at [email protected]

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