N95 Respirator Fit Testing Resources for Adult and Senior Care Residential Facilities

Community EngagementVendor Announcements

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This post is intended for IRC Service Providers.


To All Community Care Residential Facilities:

The Department of Social Services issued PIN 21-10-ASC on February 5, 2021 PIN 21-10-ASC:  N95 RESPIRATOR FIT TESTING RESOURCES FOR ADULT AND SENIOR CARE RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES TO ASC STAFF.  California Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Occupational Safety and Health (CAL/OSHA) has enforced a standard on the use of the respiratory device, commonly known as the N95 respirators.  The requirements in the directive include but are not limited to a written respiratory protection program and the need to evaluate the fit of particular models and sizes of the respirators to ensure that the fit is appropriate and provides a reliable degree of protection to the wearer.

Please read the directive in its entirety, as well as the list of vendors who have and sell different models and sizes of the N95 respirators.  The directive states that if you have questions regarding Fit Testing, you can contact your local office.  Inland Regional Center is not in supply of a large variety sizes and/or models of N95 respirators, but does have a limited supply for vendors who may require them.  We also have created a resource list of local businesses that offer Fit Testing guidance and assistance, for a nominal fee.  Contact your Quality Assurance Liaison for those resources.

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Community Engagement

Inland Regional Center's Community Engagement Unit can be reached at [email protected]

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