Outstanding Employee – June 2019

Community EngagementBlog, Employees

Estimated Reading Time: 2 Minutes

At Inland Regional Center (IRC), we know our staff is our most valuable resource! Team IRC is made up of more than 770 committed professionals providing excellent service to people with developmental disabilities. Each month, IRC staffers nominate their outstanding colleagues in our Employee Recognition program. This month, we are celebrating Anthony Morehouse!

Anthony is a Consumer Services Coordinator with our West End Adult East Unit. Service Coordinators meet with IRC clients and their families to understand their needs and goals. They then coordinate services and resources for clients as well as providing support and advocacy!

Anthony is a passionate and dedicated Service Coordinator. He is known for showing great diligence and attention in the service of his clients. He is also a fantastic coworker bringing a calm reserve and genuine kindness to the agency. When nominating Anthony, his colleagues said, “Anthony does an amazing job representing his clients in securing benefits for their care. He is truly a great example of what IRC stands for.”

To get to know Mr. Morehouse a little better, we asked him a few questions. Here is what he shared!

What do you like most about your work at IRC?

I enjoy being able to build relationships and assist with my clients and families. I especially like working with adults because I can relate to many areas of my client’s lives.

Also, I love the comradery at IRC. It is nice to work in a positive environment that invests so much into the employees and our clients.

What is your life like outside of work?

Outside of work, I like to hang out with my wife, dogs, and family! I also like to work out and go to the beach.

How do you think this award reflects your personality and work at the agency?

I am honored and blessed to be a part of the IRC family and to receive this award. I would not have received this without the continual help and mentorship from management and members of my unit and other departments. I am really thankful to be around such great people. Thank you all.


Congratulations Anthony! Thanks for helping make IRC a wonderful place to work!


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Community Engagement

Inland Regional Center's Community Engagement Unit can be reached at [email protected]

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