Some big changes are happening with IRC’s Revenue Unit! Beginning July 2022, Revenue will essentially split in order to better address the unique needs of our community. The unit will now be headed by Mando Lizardo, while Laura Miller will continue serving in her capacity as Master Trust Administrator. Let’s hear from these two as they begin their exciting new roles at Inland Regional Center!
Mando Lizardo
The Revenue Department at Inland Regional Center has been my second home for 11 ½ years. However, before I was hired full-time in the Revenue Department, I was still at IRC for some time. I was able to have some time working as a temp in many amazing departments and working with so many amazing people at IRC (for a combined time of 2 ½ years): the Resource Development & Transportation Unit, the Revenue Department, the Master Trust of California Department, and the Case Control Department (even working some different night shift assignments). It was during this time that I was able to see the hearts and passion that the IRC employees have for the consumers, the families, the vendors, and each other. This passion was infectious; and I wanted to be a part of this community. Over the years, I have been imparted with unparalleled knowledge and caring for this community, from not only Laura Miller, but from so many other amazing people (both at IRC and outside it as well). I am proud to be able to continue serving and collaborating with the IRC community in my new capacity (beginning July); and I look forward to many more years to come.
Laura Miller
I’ve been fortunate to work in the Revenue Department at Inland Regional Center, (IRC), for 21 years. Over the years, I’ve seen so many changes, but the one thing that never changed was the hearts of the IRC employees. It’s a great feeling work alongside those who believe in IRC’s mission and truly care. One of the many reasons I love my job at IRC is that it is that each day is never predictable, I never know what each day will bring. My workday could include some deep digging into Social Security regulations or collaborating with colleagues to help a consumer or solve a problem. My time in the Revenue department will soon be sunsetting. I will still be serving the consumers of IRC and across the state of California as the Master Trust Administrator. I’ll miss working with the Revenue team daily but secure knowing that they will be in good hands with their new manager, Mando Lizardo.
The small, but mighty, Revenue Department at IRC provides payee services for consumers and support to IRC’s case management team. The eight members of the team have over 80 years of combined experience working with public benefits such as SSI, Social Security disability benefits, and Medi-Cal. Those programs are the most common, but many of our consumers qualify for pension programs on their own wage record or on a parent’s wage record, such as Civil Service, Veteran’s Administration, Railroad Retirement, Foreign Service, CalPERS, and more.
Our focus is to obtain and maintain benefits for the consumers that we are payee for. We serve as payee for consumers that reside in placement and assist with referrals to payee vendors when a consumer lives in the family home or independently.
A few quick facts about benefits:
- If a parent files for Social Security retirement benefits, their minor or disabled adult child may qualify for cash benefits and Medicare (and it doesn’t reduce the parent’s pension amount). Also, the child may qualify for the pension benefit if a parent is deceased or disabled.
- If a parent served in the armed forces, their disabled child may be eligible for free burial in a national cemetery.
- The ABLE program is a great way to save for special needs expenses and still qualify for SSI and Medi-Cal.
- The resource limit for certain Medi-Cal programs is increasing in July of 2022 from $2,000 to $130,000. In January of 2024, it will be eliminated altogether for many of the programs.
If you need have questions about benefits, assistance applying for benefits, or need help with managing your money, reach out to your Consumer Services Coordinator.
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