Welcome to IRC’s Employment Service page. Here you will find up-to-date information on employment resources in the various communities we serve as well as upcoming events related to employment.

Job Opportunities

Here are some of the employers in the Inland Empire seeking to hire IRC clients:

Please note, these opportunities are posted on behalf of our community partners. Please contact the individual employer for further information.


If you are an employer interested in hiring, please reach out to our Employment Specialists;

San Bernardino County:
Krystal Spear, [email protected] - (909) 382-4680

Riverside County:
Beth Crane, [email protected] - (909) 890-3499

Exceed Community Employment Services

With the assistance from EXCEED supported employment services, Matthew has been gainfully employed at Jenson USA, located in Riverside, for over 13 months. During this time, he has learned to pick orders and work in shipping and receiving and is now training on invoicing so he can be promoted.  He has made such great progress.  Matthew is working very hard to become independent and has been able to move out on his own.  We are so proud of all he has accomplished!

Upcoming Employment Events

Here is a listing of upcoming events which can benefit those looking for employment, and those working to expand employment opportunities for IRC consumers.


Employment Services Glossary of Terms

CIE - Competitive Integrated Employment:  Employment in the community where the position is paid a competitive wage, and is in an integrated setting.

DOR - Department of Rehabilitation:  Service agency which assists people with disabilities obtain employment training and employment.

ADC - Adult Developmental Center:  A program which IRC consumers can attend to help increase daily living and vocational skills.

BMOD - Behavior Modification Program:  A program which IRC consumers can attend to help with reducing unwanted behaviors while increasing daily living and vocational skills.

CE - Customized Employment:  A program which assists IRC consumers in creating a position for them at a business utilizing the consumer’s unique skill set.

Community Integration Program:  A program which focuses on developing a participant’s ability to increase daily living and vocational skills in the community.

Supported Employment:  A program which provides a job coach for IRC consumers who work in the community.

Group Supported Employment:  A program which provides a job coach for IRC consumers at a 1:3 ratio at a job site in the community.

Arts Program:  A program which IRC consumers can attend to help increase daily living and vocational skills through arts training.

PIP - Paid Internship Program:  A program which IRC consumers can use to gain employment experience in the community

Job Seeker Resources

General Resources:

    • Resume Builder: www.resumebuilder.com

      This website includes a comprehensive guide offering insights and tips tailored to assist individuals with disabilities in crafting a compelling resume that showcases their skills and contributions to potential employers. It also covers crucial topics like legal protections, workplace fairness, and addressing discrimination and harassment, ensuring an equitable opportunity to pursue their career objectives.

California Community of Practice on Secondary Transition (CACOP)

The CACOP is co-chaired by the California Department of Education and Department of Rehabilitation (DOR), convened by the California Transition Alliance, and comprised of representatives from state agencies, local educational agencies, DOR district offices, regional centers, parent advocacy groups, non-profit organizations, and students. Its focus is the improvement of postsecondary and employment outcomes for transition-age individuals with disabilities. The CACOP meets monthly—from October through May—to share resources, strategies, and information to anyone involved in secondary transition. The meetings range from 30 to 100 participants, depending on the topic, month, and their availability.

If anyone is interested in participating in the CACOP, please send an email to [email protected] to be added to the listserv to receive updates, resources, and meeting announcements.

San Bernardino County Employment Resources:

Riverside County Employment Resources:

Continued Education and Training

Service Providers:

IRC Employment Service Providers

Inland Empire Local Partnership Agreements (LPA)

The Local Partnership Agreements (LPAs) identify the ways in which Inland Regional Center, Local Education Agencies (LEAs), and local Department of Rehabilitation (DOR) offices work together to streamline service delivery, engage their communities, and increase Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE) opportunities for individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (ID/DD).

San Bernardino and Riverside County Local Partnership Agreements (LPA’s) can be found on the California Health and Human Services website: www.chhs.ca.gov

The links provided below are the agreements completed for the specific areas:

Frequently Used Forms

Inland Regional Center is committed to helping our consumers gain valuable vocational skills and achieve Competitive Integrated Employment (CIE). Several commonly used forms and documents may now be found in the listing below.

For assistance locating a form that is not included in this listing, or for general questions regarding Employment Services, please contact the Employment Specialist designated to the county you live in (above).

IRC Employment Specialists

IRC’s Employment Specialists work to help increase employment outcomes for IRC’s consumers. Feel free to reach out if you’re interested in learning more about this process.

Beth Crane, [email protected] - (909) 890-3499

Krystal Spear, [email protected] - (909) 382-4680